Press Release
On top of the knee is an improvised conversation between the artistic language of two artists. “To wing it” (or its Portuguese equivalent literally translated “on top of the knee”) more than a circumstance is rather a way of doing which escapes time and conventional production structures in acrobatic and light manoeuvres, taking a chance on the outcome – possibly a failure, perhaps a joyful surprise.
Lúcia Prancha’s practice navigates the intersections of space, memory, and transformation, questioning the permanence of form and perception. Her works convey architectural sensitivity while simultaneously opening space for moments of rupture and reconfiguration, where form is only a temporary freeze.
Through drawing and painting, Rudi Brito explores narrative fragmentation, between representation and abstraction. His paintings depict refracted sets, interrupted by unfinished gesture, repeating and zooming on details, and small scenes nested mise-en-abyme. Brito’s cinematic and fractal composition process bridges painting and moving image.
On top of the knee proposes a dynamic rapport between the work of these artists, a space of contamination between languages that opens up new possibilities for perception and understanding.
Please read and download EXHIBITION LEAFLET here.
Full list of works here.