Galeria Filomena Soares is please to announce the participation of Kiluanji Kia Henda at the group exhibition “FAKE NEWS 2 ART FICTION MENSONGE” at La Condition Publique, Roubaix
March 23, 2023 – July 16, 2023
After a first occurrence visible from May 2021 to January 2022 in Paris, the EDF Group Foundation has joined forces with La Condition Publique to propose a second version: FAKE NEWS 2 ART FICTION MENSONGE. Enriched with new works, it offers other possibilities of reading the subject, still as topical in 2023.
There is an abundance of artists and works of art in the world that speak to us about fake news – the intentional creation of false news. So much so that we could make an exhibition of it. Are you sure? And if all this was finally only fiction, only lie…
This exhibition invites us to question our own relationship to information, to truth and deception, to identity, to history and current events, to the media and to the internet as well as to social networks. Through the prism of their eyes, the artists take a step aside from reality, inviting us to consider the fine line between the “true” and the “false”.
For more information, please visit: f
© La Fondation groupe EDF